Date: Wed Oct 05 2016 - 11:03:41 CDT
Sorry. I should have labeled it. Y axis is time in picosecond and x axis is rmsd in Angstrom.
Sent from my iPhone
> On Oct 5, 2016, at 10:55 AM, Pardis Tabaee <> wrote:
> Hi,
> What's on the y axis?
> Regards,
> P
> From: <> on behalf of Dhiraj Srivastava <>
> Sent: 04 October 2016 22:07
> To:
> Subject: namd-l: question regarding rmsd
> Hi
> I am trying to do MD simulation on a protein with and without ligand. when I did rmsd plot, I found that apo protein is behaving fine (red) but ligand bound form (black) is taking relatively longer time to equilibrate and showing quite a bit of fluctuation in rmsd. is the fluctuation in rmsd value for ligand bound protein is acceptable or is there anything wrong? How can I fix it?
> thanks
> Dhiraj
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