From: Hardy, David Joseph (
Date: Tue Sep 13 2016 - 14:13:52 CDT
Dear Jack,
You are mixing various protocols in your simulation that don't make sense together. You have constant temperature and constant pressure running together with your heating protocol. First, you should get rid of the thermostat and barostat, as they are working against your heating protocol. Also, the fatal error you are seeing is likely due to the barostat, so that should go away. Second, your reassignFreq and reassignIncr choices are too small. Keep in mind that a temperature reassignment is setting random velocities (to that temperature) for all of your atoms, but this suggests that your system will require some number of steps to "settle down." More typically, you would change the temperature using a bigger increment and allow the system to equilibrate to that new temperature over, say, 100 to 1000 steps. So as a smallest increment, try reassignFreq 200 and reassignIncr 1, or maybe better try larger increments of reassignFreq 1000 and reassignIncr 5.
Best regards,
-- David J. Hardy, Ph.D. Theoretical and Computational Biophysics Beckman Institute, University of Illinois<> On Sep 13, 2016, at 8:34 AM, Jackson Cavett <<>> wrote: Hello NAMD Users, I am attempting to heat a molecule from 10K to 310K over the course of a few simulations. I put in the following parameters to accomplish this heating: reassignFreq 2 reassignTemp 10 reassignIncr 0.01 reassignHold 60 However, when I run the simulation, I get the periodic boundary error on the first timestep. Here is the log file which shows the problem: REINITIALIZING VELOCITIES AT STEP 100000 TO 10 KELVIN. TCL: Running for 10000 steps REASSIGNING VELOCITIES AT STEP 100000 TO 60 KELVIN. PRESSURE: 100000 110.253 -0.316211 -6.80342 -0.316211 126.441 1.37312 -6.80342 1.37312 145.667 GPRESSURE: 100000 116.487 -0.516909 -5.56659 0.0868719 131.886 1.15381 -5.4699 1.44817 149.358 ETITLE... OPENING EXTENDED SYSTEM TRAJECTORY FILE REASSIGNING VELOCITIES AT STEP 100002 TO 60 KELVIN. FATAL ERROR: Periodic cell has become too small for original patch grid! Possible solutions are to restart from a recent checkpoint, increase margin, or disable useFlexibleCell for liquid simulation. I don't understand why the temperature is being reassigned to 60K when I stated that it should be reassigned to 10K every two timesteps. Can anyone explain what is happening here? Here is the full configuration file I used. Please note what I did with the binVelocities. I'm not sure if I can comment them out like that when I use a restart file, so please let me know what I should do with that. The reason I comment it out is that I want to set the temperature of my simulation while still using a restart file. ############################################################# ## JOB DESCRIPTION ## ############################################################# # Equilibration of alphVbeta3 after minimization # Shorter simulations so dcd can be analyzed ############################################################# ## ADJUSTABLE PARAMETERS ## ############################################################# structure ../alphaVbeta6_wb.psf coordinates ../alphaVbeta6_wb.pdb set temperature 10 set outputname beta6_equil_1 # Continuing a job from the restart files if {1} { set inputname ../minimization/beta6_min_fixed_protein binCoordinates $inputname.restart.coor #binVelocities $inputname.restart.vel extendedSystem $inputname.xsc } firsttimestep 100000 ############################################################# ## SIMULATION PARAMETERS ## ############################################################# # Input paraTypeCharmm on parameters ../par_all27_prot_lipid.inp temperature $temperature # Force-Field Parameters exclude scaled1-4 1-4scaling 1.0 cutoff 12.0 switching on switchdist 10.0 pairlistdist 14.0 # Integrator Parameters timestep 2.0 ;# 2fs/step rigidBonds all ;# needed for 2fs steps nonbondedFreq 1 fullElectFrequency 2 stepspercycle 10 # Constant Temperature Control langevin on ;# do langevin dynamics langevinDamping 1. ;# damping coefficient (gamma) of 1/ps langevinTemp $temperature langevinHydrogen no ;# don't couple langevin bath to hydrogens # Periodic Boundary Conditions cellBasisVector1 121 0.0 0.0 cellBasisVector2 0.0 93 0.0 cellBasisVector3 0.0 0.0 57.5 cellOrigin 20.045 -30.903 25.591 wrapWater on wrapAll on wrapNearest off # PME (for full-system periodic electrostatics) PME yes PMEGridSpacing 1.0 #manual grid definition #PMEGridSizeX 45 #PMEGridSizeY 45 #PMEGridSizeZ 48 # Constant Pressure Control (variable volume) useGroupPressure yes ;# needed for rigidBonds useFlexibleCell no useConstantArea no langevinPiston on langevinPistonTarget 1.01325 ;# in bar -> 1 atm langevinPistonPeriod 100.0 langevinPistonDecay 50.0 langevinPistonTemp $temperature # Output outputName $outputname restartfreq 1000 ;# 500steps = every 1ps dcdfreq 500 xstFreq 500 outputEnergies 200 outputPressure 200 ############################################################# ## EXTRA PARAMETERS ## ############################################################# ############################################################# ## EXECUTION SCRIPT ## ############################################################# #For heating, use temperature reassignment reassignFreq 2 reassignTemp 10 reassignIncr 0.01 reassignHold 60 # Minimization #minimize 10000 #reinitvels $temperature reinitvels $temperature run 10000 ;# Thank you all for your help! Jack
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