From: Radak, Brian K (
Date: Fri May 20 2016 - 11:58:43 CDT
I had noticed that too, but there was no scaling of the bonded terms being done in the example Reza sent.
I've avoided cleaning up the FEP code mostly bc I don't understand the WCA code front to back. IMO there shouldn't even be two separate computations of dE. Nonetheless, this will hopefully get done at some point.
I know that everyone has their preferred analysis approach, but I strongly suggest the TI output for now since it is most flexible after the fact.
Brian Radak
Postdoctoral Appointee
Leadership Computing Facility
Argonne National Laboratory
9700 South Cass Avenue, Bldg. 240
Argonne, IL 60439-4854
(630) 252-8643
From: Jérôme Hénin []
Sent: Friday, May 20, 2016 10:25 AM
To: Namd Mailing List; Radak, Brian K
Cc: Reza Salari
Subject: Re: namd-l: Excessively high dE_avg values in FEP output (NAMD CVS)
Looking at the code again, I just noticed this: Controller::outputFepEnergy and Controller::writeFepEnergyData don't use the same expression for dE - one is missing the bonded terms. This explains the discrepancy, it is fixed by:
Index: src/Controller.C
RCS file: /namd/cvsroot/namd2/src/Controller.C,v
retrieving revision 1.1314
diff -r1.1314 Controller.C
< BigReal dE = eeng_f + ljEnergy_f - eeng - ljEnergy;
--- > BigReal dE = bondedEnergy_f + electEnergy_f + electEnergySlow_f + ljEnergy_f > - (bondEnergy + angleEnergy + dihedralEnergy + improperEnergy > + electEnergy + electEnergySlow + ljEnergy); Maybe we need unit tests for these things. If only we had an occasion to meet and discuss issues with NAMD development... Jerome On 20 May 2016 at 14:47, Brian Radak <<>> wrote: Nothing looks particularly wrong there. The only "strange" thing is the accumulation of average alchemical force during TI, but it is always assumed that this will get masked out during integration. Since you only have one alchemical group, it should be trivial to compare forces and energies with a non-alchemical run. However these will, in general, only match exactly with "alchDecouple off" and "alchBondDecouple on" while you have the opposite settings I believe (we chose terrible output vocabulary for that). Unless you really know what you are wanting to calculate, I recommend those settings anyway. Let me know if that doesn't help, Brian On 05/19/2016 05:21 PM, Reza Salari wrote: Hi Brian, Sure. I ran a quick test with the updated parameters (as you suggested) and put the ti.out and logfile here: <> . Best, Reza ========================================= Reza Salari, M.D. Ph.D. Postdoctoral Researcher Center for Computational and Integrative Biology Rutgers University Science Building Camden, NJ 08102 (856) 225-6492 ========================================= On Wed, May 18, 2016 at 2:25 PM, Brian Radak <<>> wrote: Thanks for the notice Jerome. Yes, that is quite possibly a bug. I admittedly have not been as careful with the FEP code base while implementing the new bonded scaling code, etc. Reza - Can you try the same calculation using "alchType TI" and using the same seed value? You can send me the output logs for 10 steps or so off list (also set outputEnergies 1 and alchOutFreq 1, if you would). I will be worried (and act with haste accordingly) if the energies diverge very quickly. Divergence of the alchemical force should also indicate if some other problem is at play. Cheers, Brian On 05/17/2016 02:44 PM, Jérôme Hénin wrote: Yup, this isn't a colvars issue, I think it may have to do with the recent alchemy improvements by Brian Radak. Let me CC him to get his attention... :-) Jerome On 17 May 2016 at 21:20, Reza Salari <<><>> wrote: Hi Giacomo, I repeated my test simulation without colvars and it seems that the problem still persists. I provided more info here: Reza ========================================= Reza Salari, M.D. Ph.D. Postdoctoral Researcher Center for Computational and Integrative Biology Rutgers University Science Building Camden, NJ 08102 (856) 225-6492 ========================================= On Mon, May 16, 2016 at 7:51 PM, Giacomo Fiorin <<><>> wrote: Hi Reza can you post the complete output of NAMD (including colvars output)? The error could come from the latest NAMD, the latest colvars snapshot (not merged into NAMD yet), or by an interaction between the two. Although you probably want to keep the colvars restraints to continue your production run, it may also be a good idea to disable colvars and see if this will gives a consistent behavior between NAMD 2.11 and CVS. Giacomo On May 16, 2016 5:30 PM, "Reza Salari" <<><>> wrote: Hi, I'm running some FEP tests on Stampede using the development versions of NAMD and Colvars (from CVS and github, respectively) and noticed very large dE_avg (and subsequently dG) values in the fepout files: STEP Elec vdW dE dE_avg Temp dG # l l+dl l l+dl E(l+dl)-E(l) #NEW FEP WINDOW: LAMBDA SET TO 0.89 LAMBDA2 0.9 FepEnergy: 50 -172948.7128 -172948.7462 3821.4453 3822.1917 0.7129 -36458.2406 300.2047 -9999999999.9999 FepEnergy: 100 -172545.4504 -172545.4839 3375.0287 3375.7949 0.7328 -36445.1885 301.0309 -9999999999.9999 FepEnergy: 150 -173167.4969 -173167.5303 3786.2865 3786.9088 0.5888 -36445.1217 302.0768 -9999999999.9999 FepEnergy: 200 -172776.3445 -172776.3780 3466.1294 3466.9678 0.8050 -36458.5775 301.4277 -9999999999.9999 FepEnergy: 250 -172866.1536 -172866.1870 3604.4608 3605.2236 0.7293 -36456.9526 300.7179 -9999999999.9999 The compile script is attached at the end. I think this is a bug - possibly because dE_avg is not initially set to the dE value of the first step. In the meantime the dG values are recoverable by using dE and Temp directly. Best Regards, Reza Salari #=================================================== System: Stampede Loaded modules: $ module list 1) intel/15.0.2 2) mvapich2/2.1 3) xalt/0.6 4) TACC #=================================================== #!/usr/bin/env bash set -e NAMD_VERSION="2016-05-09" download_namd () { wget <$>${NAMD_VERSION}_Source.tar.gz tar xzf NAMD_CVS-${NAMD_VERSION}_Source.tar.gz ln -s NAMD_CVS-${NAMD_VERSION}_Source namd_cvs } download_colvars () { wget <> unzip ln -s colvars-master colvars } download_fftw_tcl () { cd namd_cvs wget <> tar xzf fftw-linux-x86_64.tar.gz ln -s linux-x86_64 fftw wget <> tar xzf tcl8.5.9-linux-x86_64.tar.gz ln -s tcl8.5.9-linux-x86_64 tcl wget <> tar xzf tcl8.5.9-linux-x86_64-threaded.tar.gz ln -s tcl8.5.9-linux-x86_64-threaded tcl-threaded cd .. } patch_namd () { cd colvars ./ -f ../namd_cvs cd .. } compile_charm () { cd namd_cvs tar xf charm-* cd charm-* env MPICXX=mpicxx ./build charm++ mpi-linux-x86_64 --no-build-shared --with-production cd ../.. } config_namd () { cd namd_cvs ./config Linux-x86_64-icc --charm-arch mpi-linux-x86_64 cd .. } compile_namd () { cd namd_cvs cd Linux-x86_64-icc make depends make -j 4 release cd ../.. } download_namd download_colvars download_fftw_tcl patch_namd compile_charm config_namd compile_namd #=================================================== ========================================= Reza Salari, M.D. Ph.D. Postdoctoral Researcher Center for Computational and Integrative Biology Rutgers University Science Building Camden, NJ 08102 (856) 225-6492<tel:%28856%29%20225-6492> ========================================= -- Brian Radak Postdoctoral Appointee Leadership Computing Facility Argonne National Laboratory 9700 South Cass Avenue, Bldg. 240 Argonne, IL 60439-4854 (630) 252-8643<tel:%28630%29%20252-8643><> -- Brian Radak Postdoctoral Appointee Leadership Computing Facility Argonne National Laboratory 9700 South Cass Avenue, Bldg. 240 Argonne, IL 60439-4854 (630) 252-8643<>
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