From: Ivaylo Nikolaev Ivanov (
Date: Tue May 17 2016 - 10:10:41 CDT
Dear colleagues,
The following is an announcement of Ph.D. level
positions available in my group. Please forward to
interested students.
Many thanks,
Ivaylo Ivanov
Dr. Ivaylo Ivanov
Associate Professor
Chemistry Department, Georgia State University
P.O. Box 3965, Atlanta, Georgia 30302
Phone: (404) 413-5529
Ph.D. positions in molecular modeling
Openings for prospective Ph.D. students in computational biology and biophysics are available in the group of Professor Ivaylo Ivanov at the Chemistry Department of Georgia State University. We are looking for highly motivated candidates to conduct research in molecular modeling that addresses critical problems in the biomedical arena, unified by the common theme of how cells accomplish faithful duplication of their genetic material. Research in our group has direct bearing on understanding the molecular basis of genetic integrity and the loss of this integrity in cancer and in degenerative diseases. For an additional perspective on this research, candidates are encouraged to visit our group website at . Support for graduate studies includes an annual stipend, benefits and a tuition waiver and generally comes from grants awarded to the group by the National Institutes of Health and the National Science Foundation. Georgia State Univ. is located in Atlanta - a multicultural city and one of the major metropolitan areas in the USA.
Interested candidates are welcome to contact Prof. Ivanov directly by email: and should also apply to the GSU chemistry graduate program ( Please attach a resume/CV and a brief cover letter to the application email.
Prof. Ivaylo Ivanov
Department of Chemistry, Georgia State University
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