From: Shyam Saladi (
Date: Sun May 01 2016 - 19:21:27 CDT
Hi Chris,
I am not sure about limits on the length of path names, but I typically
specify the directory to read/write files to with the configuration
parameter "cwd"
See here:
On Sun, May 1, 2016 at 3:10 PM, Chris Goedde <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I’m a namd newbie, and I have a question about allowed unix path lengths
> in namd.conf files with commands like fixedAtomsFile, consref, etc. I’ve
> been specifying these with absolute path names, and namd crashes with a
> sigabrt if the path exceeds about 135 characters or so. The documentation
> just lists “Unix filename” as acceptable values, without specifying any
> other limitations, so I’m wondering if there is an actual limit on the
> length of these path names, and I have to stop using absolute paths for
> these, or if I’m doing something else wrong.
> This is namd 2.10 on MacOS 10.11.
> Thanks!
> Chris Goedde
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