From: Tristan Croll (
Date: Fri Nov 13 2015 - 18:14:28 CST
Something like:
imd impulse <mol> <index> <force vector>
as a simple wrapper for addForce would add a lot of flexibility.
From: Tristan Croll
Sent: Saturday, 14 November 2015 8:48 AM
To: Jim Phillips;; Tristan Croll
Subject: Re: namd-l: On-the-fly modification of tclforces script?
Hi again,
Before seriously getting into this, I'm thinking it would be more elegant (and long-term useful) to make Molecule::addforce (from Molecule.C) available as a TCL command in VMD. On the downside, the added forces would have to be calculated (or at least re-applied) at each step in VMD, but on the plus side there's no file i/o involved. What do you think?
From: <> on behalf of Tristan Croll <>
Sent: Wednesday, 11 November 2015 8:03 AM
To: Jim Phillips;
Subject: Re: namd-l: On-the-fly modification of tclforces script?
Thanks Jim. I'll start tinkering with that.
From: Jim Phillips <>
Sent: Wednesday, 11 November 2015 1:53 AM
To:; Tristan Croll
Subject: Re: namd-l: On-the-fly modification of tclforces script?
Hi Tristan,
In NAMD 2.11b1 you can do the following:
tclForces on
tclForcesScript {
while ( 1 ) {
clearconfig ; # drop previously requested atoms
source forcescript.tcl
run 200
The main function of the tclForcesScript is to delay tclForces setup until
after startup has progressed far enough to process atom lookup commands.
You can give it /dev/null or an inline script with at least one newline as
above. I could make tclForcesScript optional, but I think keeping it
mandatory results in clearer error messages for new users.
The "startup" command is like "run 0" without the force calculation, so it
won't notice that you haven't defined a calcforces proc. Without the
"startup" command you would need to do this:
tclForces on
tclForcesScript {
proc calcforces {} { }
run 0
Note that in 2.11b1 if you want total forces on atoms/groups you need to
explicitly request them. For backwards compatibility use "catch":
tclForces on
tclForcesScript {
catch { enabletotalforces }
proc calcforces {} { }
Also, since you're hoping to push updates from VMD, you at least need to
use an atomic filesystem operation like rename to update forcescript.tcl
so NAMD doesn't see an incomplete file, or you could use sockets. For an
example see the file lib/replica/namd_replica_server.tcl in NAMD 2.8.
On Tue, 10 Nov 2015, Tristan Croll wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm looking for a way to add some more complex interactions to interactive MD simulations (e.g. to force a defined group of atoms into a particular conformation). Preferably I'd like to be able to do this on-the-fly without having to restart the simulation. Would an approach something like the following in the NAMD configuration file work?
> tclForces on
> while {1} {
> tclForcesScript forcescript.tcl
> run 200
> }
> .. with forcescript.tcl being modified/replaced as necessary from within VMD?
> Thanks,
> Tristan
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