From: Jérôme Hénin (
Date: Wed Jul 22 2015 - 11:04:55 CDT
Hi Nicolas,
The tilt angle is unsigned: it does not differentiate between a clockwise
and anticlockwise rotation because it is defined by any rotation axis
orthogonal to the reference vector V: if a given axis is orthogonal to V,
then the opposite axis is orthogonal as well an the tilt angle is the same.
Inverting the reference axis doesn't change things either.
If you have a well-defined axis of rotation, then you may need a spin angle
On 22 July 2015 at 08:34, Nicolas Martin <> wrote:
> Dear Namd users,
> I am currently trying to restrain a tilt angle on a protein. I wish to
> have a clockwise rotation/tilt of my selection. Although I do not see how
> reaching such rotation. I tried restraining to a center of 0 and -1 which
> both give a anticlockwise 90 of 180 degrees rotation respectively. I also
> tried inverting my reference axis so the system would start with an
> anti-parallele configuration (axis and tensor of my selection) but the
> result was the same.
> Am I doing something wrong or does it exist a trick to get to the
> clockwise rotation of my tilt angle ?
> Thanks in advance for the help,
> Nicolas
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