From: Kumar, Amit (
Date: Thu Jul 09 2015 - 15:28:07 CDT
I am trying to build NAMD 2.10 from source, so that I can use a much tightly integrated MPI with our SLURM scheduler.
All goes well during compilation. But when I run ./namd2 example/example.namd nothing happenes and no output. The command returns to prompt immediately.
I have followed all steps in building charm++ library for MPI version. Also have prebuilt fftw and tcl from
in the source directory as required(fftw, and tcl & tcl-threaded)
edited Make.charm with CHARMBASE path then ran a config and make to finish compilation. And worked fine but namd2 executable does not thing.
I am sure I am missing something obvious but can't get my head around.
Thank you,
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