From: Lela Vukovic (
Date: Wed Mar 04 2015 - 13:07:25 CST
Dear Colleague,
We would like to make you aware of an upcoming
“Hands-on” Workshop on Computational Biophysics
organized by the Theoretical and Computational Biophysics Group at UIUC ( and the National Center for Multiscale Modeling of
Biological Systems (MMBioS, <>)
Workshop Dates: Mon, June 1 - Fri, June 5, 2015
Location : Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center,
300 South Craig Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Application : May 4, 2015
This workshop will cover a wide range of physical models and computational
approaches for the simulation of biological systems including ProDy, NAMD
and VMD. The course will be based on case studies including the properties
of membranes and membrane proteins, mechanisms of molecular motors,
trafficking in the living cell through water and ion channels, signaling
pathways and druggability simulations. Relevant physical concepts,
mathematical techniques, and computational methods will be introduced,
including force fields and algorithms used in molecular modeling, molecular
dynamics simulations on parallel computers, elastic network models, and
steered molecular dynamics simulations.
The workshop is designed for students and researchers in computational and/or
biophysical fields who seek to extend their research skills to include
computational and theoretical expertise, as well as other researchers
interested in theoretical and computational biophysics. Theory sessions in
the morning will be followed by hands-on computer labs in the afternoon in
which students will be able to set up and run simulations.
For more information please go to
Due to space constraints, the workshop will be limited to 25 participants.
Please contact Pat Sudac, at for any questions.
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