From: luca belmonte (
Date: Mon Jan 26 2015 - 10:55:10 CST
I am already familiar with patches and I have to admit that I never thought
to them under this perspective.
I'll try with the solution proposed by Norman and with the patch.
Thank you for the suggestions.
2015-01-26 17:50 GMT+01:00 Jérôme Hénin <>:
> You'll need to create and apply a patch, which is like a special residue
> that modifies an existing topology.
> You can find an example in the standard CHARMM topology for proteins is
> you look for the patch for disulfide bonds (called DISU).
> That patch is applied in the following psfgen example:
> Jerome
> On 26 January 2015 at 17:28, luca belmonte <> wrote:
>> Yes, in the QM calculations I have all of them, but I did not mapped them
>> into the par file.
>> What I have done is to map everything related to the methanethiol group
>> of the cysteine residue of the top/par files but I did not mapped any angle
>> between the sulphurs of different cysteines (the S-M2+-S angle you said)--001a11340c68504cb7050d9100c5--
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