From: Thomas Evangelidis (
Date: Mon Jan 12 2015 - 04:32:17 CST
Hi Norman,
You forget that this is a transmembrane protein and hence I can't raise the
temperature too much. In fact I can't even raise the aMD boost too much
because the membrane bilayers dissociate. And yes, I am pretty sure about
my aMD setting, I 've experimented a lot with them. As for REMD, it is out
of option. It requires many replicas to maintain a reasonable exchange rate
for a protein of 429 amino acids, even in the Hamiltonian-REX variant. What
I had in mind when I posted the question was some method that utilizes the
collective variable modules of NAND and/or its Tcl scripting interface.
On 12 January 2015 at 08:53, Norman Geist <>
> Hi,
> well you are likely caught in a deep minimum, which actually could be the
> global one aswell, doesn’t it? Either this would explain why nothing
> happens, or if you think there should be happening something, you’d like to
> put more energy into the system to actually allow conformational changes
> and crossing energy barriers. At which temperature did you run this 1µs? I
> think you could try to run a usual MD at a higher temperature, but not high
> enough to cause complete unfolding. Another option might be a REMD with
> lower Tmax to do the same.
> Also, are you sure that your settings for the aMD were suitable? Maybe
> you can post them here along with some details about the size of the
> protein and so someone can share some opinions about it.
> Norman Geist.
> *Von:* [] *Im
> Auftrag von *Thomas Evangelidis
> *Gesendet:* Sonntag, 11. Januar 2015 14:44
> *An:* namd-l
> *Betreff:* namd-l: is there a method equivalent to conformational
> flooding in NAMD 2.10
> Dear NAMD list,
> Is there any method in NAMD equivalent to Helmut Grubmuller's
> Conformational Flooding? I want to open a transporter starting from an
> intermediate state in which it was crystallized, but I don't know the final
> state. So far, I have ran a 1 microsecond aMD simulation but nothing
> happened. I conducted all my simulations with NAMD hence I hesitate
> migrating to GROMACS.
> thanks,
> Thomas
> --
> ======================================================================
> Thomas Evangelidis
> PhD student
> University of Athens
> Faculty of Pharmacy
> Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry
> Panepistimioupoli-Zografou
> 157 71 Athens
> email:
> website:
> ===============================================================
> *Physics is the only real science. The rest are just stamp collecting.*
> *- Ernest Rutherford*
-- ================================== sdfwf ==================================== Thomas Evangelidis PhD student University of Athens Faculty of Pharmacy Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry Panepistimioupoli-Zografou 157 71 Athens GREECE email: website: =============================================================== *Physics is the only real science. The rest are just stamp collecting.* *- Ernest Rutherford*
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