From: Daniel Torrente (
Date: Fri Aug 15 2014 - 19:01:23 CDT
Oh, you are right, my bad. It should be "get serial" instead of "get index".
Thanks again
On Fri, Aug 15, 2014 at 6:33 PM, Maxim Belkin <> wrote:
> No problem. One note: I think you have to use "get serial" instead of "get
> index" since NAMD's atomid = VMD's serial. You should probably check that
> first before running a simulation.
> Maxim
> On Aug 15, 2014, at 6:21 PM, Daniel Torrente <>
> wrote:
> Dear Maxim,
> Thanks for your help, it works perfectly. I will put all the steps for
> future reference (the least that I can do).
> On VMD (PDB loaded with the beta 1 and 2 atoms)
> set sel1 [atomselect top "beta == 1"]
> set sel2 [atomselect top "beta == 2"]
> #### For the beta 1 set of atoms #####
> set ch1 [open beta1.txt w]
> puts $ch1 "[$sel1 get Index]"; # single line with serial numbers (1-based
> indicies)
> close $ch1
> #################################
> #### For the beta 2 set of atoms #####
> set ch2 [open beta2.txt w]
> puts $ch2 "[$sel1 get Index]"; # single line with serial numbers (1-based
> indicies)
> close $ch2
> #################################
> Tcl force
> ###############Replace the atom selection part of the Tcl force script for
> this ########
> # Atoms selected for force application
> set ch1 [open beta1.txt r]
> set atomindex1 [read $ch1]
> close $ch1
> set ch2 [open beta2.txt r]
> set atomindex2 [read $ch2]
> close $ch2
> set a1 [addgroup $atomindex1]
> set a2 [addgroup $atomindex2]
> #########################
> Thanks again, my weekend was saved
> Daniel
> 2014-08-15 16:48 GMT-05:00 Maxim Belkin <>:
> Daniel,
>> VMD can help. You can load your pdb file into VMD and make two selections:
>> set sel1 [atomselect top "beta == 1"]
>> set sel2 [atomselect top "beta == 2"]
>> then write their serial numbers into text files like that:
>> set ch [open beta1.txt w]
>> puts $ch "[$sel1 get serial]"; # single line with serial numbers
>> (1-based indicies)
>> close $ch
>> # and similar three lines for $sel2
>> Then, in your tcl script simply read these files
>> set ch [open beta1.txt r]
>> set atomindex1 [read $ch]
>> close $ch
>> # and, again, similar one for beta2.txt
>> At this point you have atomindex1 (and atomindex2) and can use addgroup,
>> or anything you want.
>> Maxim
>> On Aug 15, 2014, at 12:25 PM, Daniel Torrente <> wrote:
>> Dear NAMD user,
>> I am trying to calculate the PMF between two proteins by means of SMD
>> simulations using amber ff. My problem is related with the selection of the
>> pulling atoms in the Tcl script using the amber par-top file. Since the
>> amber par-top file do not has segname information is there other way to
>> define the pulled atoms in the Tcl script that is compatible with the amber
>> par-top file?
>> This question was asked a long time ago but is still without an answer.
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Daniel
>> Here is the usual way to define the pulling atoms in SMD/Tclforce.
>> ###################
>> set targets1 {}
>> set targets2 {}
>> set inStream [open ionized_SMD2.pdb r]
>> foreach line [split [read $inStream] "\n"] {
>> set type [string trim [string range $line 0 5]]
>> set name [string trim [string range $line 12 15]]
>> set resid [string trim [string range $line 22 25]]
>> set beta [string trim [string range $line 60 65]]
>> set segname [string trim [string range $line 72 75]]
>> if { $beta == 1.00 } {
>> lappend targets1 "$segname $resid $name"
>> }
>> if { $beta == 2.00 } {
>> lappend targets2 "$segname $resid $name"
>> }
>> }
>> close $inStream
>> set atoms1 {}
>> foreach target1 $targets1 {
>> foreach {segname resid atom} $target1 { break
>> }
>> set atomindex1 [atomid $segname $resid $atom]
>> lappend atoms1 $atomindex1
>> }
>> set atoms2 {}
>> foreach target2 $targets2 {
>> foreach {segname resid atom} $target2 { break
>> }
>> set atomindex2 [atomid $segname $resid
>> $atom]
>> lappend atoms2
>> $atomindex2
>> }
>> set a1 [addgroup $atoms1]
>> set a2 [addgroup $atoms2]
>> ########################
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