From: Norman Geist (
Date: Tue Apr 29 2014 - 02:20:33 CDT
If you do not have a veldcd or dcdfreq 1-4fs, this is not possible, as you
can't reliably reconstruct velocities from coordinate frames. But you can
just extract coordinates and box size and re-equilibrate the system.
Get frame 40000 as pdb:
set a [atomselect top all]
$a frame 40000
$a writepdb restart.pdb
Box size can be accessed with the pbc tools:
animate goto 40000
pbc get
Norman Geist.
Von: [] Im Auftrag
von zeynab mohamad hoseyni
Gesendet: Dienstag, 29. April 2014 06:13
Betreff: namd-l: How to extract the .coor, .vel and .xsc files for a
conformation in the middle of trajectory
Dear All,
I produced a trajectory using some advanced techniques and then I need to
run normal NPT starting from
one of the conformations of the first trajectory who shows minimum potential
energy. The point is that
i don't know how to extract the .restart.coor, .restart.vel and .restart.xsc
files of the mentioned frame
so that I start the NPT simulation. Can anyone guide on this?
All the Best,
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