From: Kenno Vanommeslaeghe (
Date: Thu May 15 2014 - 18:00:42 CDT
Are you trying to simulate bulk liquid PFP? If yes, follow the procedure
in the CGenFF paper (using a cubic box). Also, you're precariously close
to the experimental boiling point, and the force field's boiling point
could easily be a few degrees lower.
If you're trying to accomplish something else, please consult with your
advisor. I suspect fundamental flaws in the physics of what you're trying
to do.
On 05/15/2014 05:13 PM, Rawan Al Nsour wrote:
> nothing above or below. just the polymer
> On Thu, May 15, 2014 at 3:34 PM, Kenno Vanommeslaeghe
> < <>> wrote:
> What's above and below the layer?
> Also, please reply to the list rather than personal e-mail (hint to
> the list admin: Majordomo has an option to override the Reply-To:
> address!)
> On 05/15/2014 01:19 PM, Rawan Al Nsour wrote:
> Thank you Dr. Kenno.
> I will increase the y dimension.
> In fact, I am working on a teflon layer. this layer made of 196
> chain of
> c5f12, I built the box based on the experimental density
> On Thu, May 15, 2014 at 12:58 PM, Kenno Vanommeslaeghe
> < <>
> <mailto:kvanomme_at_rx.umaryland.__edu
> <>>> wrote:
> The nonbonded cutoff is an integral part of the force field and
> changing it will affect properties. The right solution is to
> increase
> the dimensions of your simulation system to be larger than
> the cutoff
> by a big enough MARGIN (hint, hint; please consult the relevant
> documentation). And yes, this means there's a minimum linear
> dimension
> of bulk phase systems that can be simulated using a given FF.
> And even
> it that wouldn't be the case, 7.3A too small anyway; you'll
> get PBC
> artifacts.
> Out of curiosity, why are you trying to simulate a square
> pancake?
> --
> Rawan Al Nsour
> Ph.D. Candidate
> Department of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering
> School of Engineering, Virginia Commonwealth University
> E-mail: <>
> < <>>
> 401 W. Main Street, Room E3216
> P.O. Box 843015
> Richmond, Virginia 23284-3015
> --
> Rawan Al Nsour
> Ph.D. Candidate
> Department of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering
> School of Engineering, Virginia Commonwealth University
> E-mail: <>
> 401 W. Main Street, Room E3216
> P.O. Box 843015
> Richmond, Virginia 23284-3015
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