Re: All CUDA devices are in prohibited mode, of compute capability 1.0, or otherwise unusable.
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- Reply: Kenno Vanommeslaeghe: "Re: All CUDA devices are in prohibited mode, of compute capability 1.0, or otherwise unusable."
- Reply: Norman Geist: "AW: All CUDA devices are in prohibited mode, of compute capability 1.0, or otherwise unusable."
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2013/8/15 Norman Geist <>
> The Ti has about 30% better performance, similar factor for the pricing.
> Same for the 700 series models. The pricing almost scales perfectly with
> the performance, except of the faster memory in the newer series. So at
> least it doesn’t really matter.
Another thing that confuses me is that not only there are countless models
to choose from, but actually different manufacturers for the same model too
- the GTX 660 Ti model for example is available from EVGA, ASUS, MSI and
Gigabyte, with prices ranging from $239 to $312. I've been reading the
reviews comparing them, but most seem to be directed to the gaming
community, who may have different needs when compared to us (it seems most
of the difference is about "overclocking", which may be a good thing for a
gamer but perhaps not for someone who actually needs consistency through
much longer running processes). I know this is going off-topic, but I'd be
thankful for more advice about it.
Best regards,
- Next message: Kenno Vanommeslaeghe: "Re: All CUDA devices are in prohibited mode, of compute capability 1.0, or otherwise unusable."
- Previous message: Jan Fredin: "apoa1 slow Phase 1"
- Maybe in reply to: Lucas: "Re: All CUDA devices are in prohibited mode, of compute capability 1.0, or otherwise unusable."
- Next in thread: Kenno Vanommeslaeghe: "Re: All CUDA devices are in prohibited mode, of compute capability 1.0, or otherwise unusable."
- Reply: Kenno Vanommeslaeghe: "Re: All CUDA devices are in prohibited mode, of compute capability 1.0, or otherwise unusable."
- Reply: Norman Geist: "AW: All CUDA devices are in prohibited mode, of compute capability 1.0, or otherwise unusable."
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