From: Cloud Computing (
Date: Thu Feb 14 2013 - 14:48:04 CST
I'd be very interested to learn how you built your own cluster on AWS. Did
you use any customer apps from AWS or build your own system to create
clusters of virtual machines? We only need to build a small size cluster,
~50 virtual cores should be able to do the jobs.
On Thu, Feb 14, 2013 at 12:39 AM, Ajasja Ljubetič <
> wrote:
> Hi,
> Last time I checked (3 years ago) it was much cheaper to build your own. I
> had a lot of fun building my own 10k€ cluster. If you throw in some GPUs
> you can get impressive performance. My only regret is that I could really
> use the two/three months I spend for this now (toward the end of my PHD).
> For example 3 months of a Quadruple Extra Large GPU costs ~4500$ for
> which you can buy your own (and it will last at least a year).
> Regards,
> Ajasja
> On 14 February 2013 08:30, Norman Geist <>wrote:
>> Hi,****
>> ** **
>> Just for my interest, wouldn’t it be more comfortable to spend the money
>> in some own hardware, where you can have physical access? Distributing
>> computations to any cloud network sounds unreliable and complicated.
>> Additionally, why not get an account for a high performance computing
>> centre? This AWS stuff don’t seem to be meant for “long time full load”
>> usage.****
>> ** **
>> But 1st of all, what are you going to do with namd. How big will your
>> systems be. If we know some detail, we can better advice you. Maybe some
>> local GPUs will do the job for you.****
>> ** **
>> Norman Geist.****
>> ** **
>> *Von:* [] *Im
>> Auftrag von *Cloud Computing
>> *Gesendet:* Mittwoch, 13. Februar 2013 23:05
>> *An:*
>> *Betreff:* namd-l: running NAMD on Amazon EC2?****
>> ** **
>> Dear all,****
>> ** **
>> Does anyone have experience running NAMD on Amazon web service? I created
>> an Amazon machine image for NAMD on single node setting (you can locate it
>> by searching for namd in AWS public ami) , but it'd be nice to learn how to
>> run NAMD jobs on a cluster setting on AWS. So if anyone has relevant
>> experience or interests and would like to share, let's have a discussion--e0cb4efe356a10900104d5b56061--
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