From: Niklaus Johner (
Date: Mon Aug 19 2013 - 08:26:24 CDT
Are you trying to write in a directory where you don't have the rights, or maybe no space left?
As for your catdcd command, I thought you had to indicate the file types for each file, but that might be version dependent.
Niklaus Johner
Weill Cornell Medical College
Harel Weinstein Lab
Department of Physiology and Biophysics
1300 York Avenue, Room D-501
New York, NY 10065
On Aug 19, 2013, at 8:15 AM, Revthi Sanker wrote:
> Dear all,
> I am using the recent version of catdcd( precompiled binany and not as vmd plug-in) using the command:
> catdcd -o ptn_20ns.dcd -stride 100 md1_out.dcd md2_out.dcd md3_out.dcd md4_out.dcd
> this worked fine for the 2 of my systems and catenated properly.
> while for another system it displayed :
> dcdplugin) detected standard 32-bit DCD file of native endianness
> dcdplugin) CHARMM format DCD file (also NAMD 2.1 and later)
> Opened file 'md4_out.dcd' for reading.
> dcdplugin) write_dcdstep: error during write
> Error writing coordinates frame.
> I am not able to get any information on the nature of error. My NAMD log file did not have any warning or error messages either. Kindly suggest what would have gone wrong and how this could be rectified.
> Thanks for your help in advance.
> Revathi.S
> M.S. Research Scholar
> Indian Institute Of Technology, Madras
> India
> _________________________________
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