From: Atanu Maity (
Date: Fri Jul 19 2013 - 01:05:08 CDT
You can use some simple trick in vmd. While loading dcd after psf, use
stride 50 in the lower part of 'Molecule File Browser' box( it will load 1
of each 50 you will actually load a dcd (originally with
skip 1000) with a skip of 50000 step) . Then u can save this dcd
using...File->Save Coordinate (use file type dcd)...
On Wed, Jul 17, 2013 at 12:37 AM, Vibhor Agrawal <>wrote:
> Hello all:
> I have a dcd file of 9 GB which was created by writing every 1000
> step(2ps).I can't oben the file in VMD as it crashes plus I wanted to
> resample it with every 100ps i.e 50000 step.Since I haven't dealt with huge
> rajectory files before it would be really helpful if somone can help me.Any
> suggestion will make life a bit easy..!
> Thanks
> Vibhor
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