From: Norman Geist (
Date: Tue Mar 05 2013 - 00:14:22 CST
Hi Martin,
I think it's a special option for REMD to have a single output for every
replica. Possibly therefore there's a additional variable within the output
name "%d" which namd will resolve to the number of the replica I guess. This
is just a guess, I've never used REMD.
Norman Geist.
> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: [] Im
> Auftrag von Martin, Erik W
> Gesendet: Montag, 4. März 2013 20:00
> An: Namd Mailing List
> Betreff: namd-l: remd run command question
> Could someone answer this (what I assume) is a really easy question for
> me?
> I was testing a REMD on a new build of namd this morning. I just
> wanted to test the system so just was running the tutorial verbatim. I
> was using the command:
> mpirun –np 8 namd2 +replicas 8 job0.conf +stout output/%d/job0.%d.log
> Could someone explain the option:
> "+stout output/%d/job0.%d.log"
> Presumably it writes standard out to the designated log file? However,
> it doesn't seem to show up while the program is running. I've always
> just used $> log before and am a little confused.
> Thanks,
> Erik
> PS. I searched and can't really find anything. Is there a list
> somewhere of all the arguments that namd accepts so that I can just
> look there in the future instead of asking the list?
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