From: Jérôme Hénin (
Date: Tue Sep 11 2012 - 07:02:02 CDT
Your config file defines only one group of atoms, "group2" is only a
fixed position in space. If group1 moves towards that fixed position,
then the code is doing what you asked from it.
If you can describe what you want to do clearly in terms of a
collective variable, then it should be simple to write the config
On 11 September 2012 13:12, ipsita basu <> wrote:
> I could not solve the issue also when I set the variable as distance.
> I just want to put harmonic restraints on one segment of the protein
> whose centre of mass has to move to the reference point to decrease
> the distance between the above mentioned point.
> What I have to set in group1 and group2 selection?
> Although the manual regarding those selection is very well written,
> but I can't figure out what actually I've to set in that selection.
> Really sorry for repeated disturbance but I really need your help.
> On 9/5/12, Jérôme Hénin <> wrote:
>> On 5 September 2012 09:34, ipsita basu <> wrote:
>>> Sorry to bother you again. But I have again some doubts which I want
>>> to make clear.
>>> One point is:
>>> If I set centers at 70.0, the traj file shows that the distance is
>>> increasing from 68.3 and if I set centers at 60.0 then the distance is
>>> decreasing from 68.3, from this observation I think that the initial
>>> distance is 68.3 and it tries to reach to the value set at centers.
>> Yes, this sounds right. Remember that the current value of the
>> restraint centers are always in the NAMD output.
>>> Then what is the importance of targetcenters,
>>> targetnumsteps,targetnumstages etc.?
>> If everything is set up right, they should matter.
>>> Second point is:
>>> From namd list I get an instruction “give a fixed center for the
>>> harmonic restraint, and run the simulation for some time, then you
>>> give a different center and repeat.” and according to your suggestion
>>> not to change the configuration file when restarting the job.
>> That is only if you want all your windows to be run sequentially, each
>> one starting from the end of the previous one.
>>> So can I
>>> run the whole umbrella sampling simulation for just one time setting
>>> centers at 20.0 (my desire is to change the distance from 68.3 to 20)
>>> ?
>> My guess is, you should keep centers at 70 and set targetCenters at 20.
>>> Can't I analyze it with wham with only one traj file?
>> Everything is possible.
>>> And if the
>>> above things are possible then what will be the value of targetcenters
>>> in my configuration file when centers at 20.0?
>> I don't think the value of centers should be 20 here.
>> Jerome
>>> On 9/4/12, Jérôme Hénin <> wrote:
>>>> Ipsita,
>>>> Please keep the list in CC so that others can follow this conversation.
>>>> The config file should not be changed for restarting (i.e. "centers
>>>> 70" should stay that way), as NAMD should get from the restart file
>>>> information about the current stage of the transformation.
>>>> The very first stage should be numbered zero. Please look for output
>>>> lines mentioning changes in restraint centers in the log file of the
>>>> first NAMD run.
>>>> Finally, be aware that targetNumSteps gives the number of steps per
>>>> stage, not the total. The total simulation time should be
>>>> (targetNumStages + 1) * targetNumSteps.
>>>> The +1 is for sampling the last point: for 100 stages, there are 101
>>>> points to be sampled.
>>>> Sorry if the documentation was not explicit enough about this. We try
>>>> to improve it as we realize what's needed, thanks to user feedback
>>>> like yours.
>>>> Jerome
>>>> On 4 September 2012 10:10, ipsita basu <> wrote:
>>>>> Thank you sir for your reply.
>>>>> Whatever I choose the value of centers, keeping fixed targetCenters
>>>>> 50.00 , the NAMD output is :
>>>>> colvars: Moving restraint stage 1 : setting centers to { 59.802 }.
>>>>> Then the center will move to 59.802 in the next 1000000 steps? Then
>>>>> what is the meaning of setting centers, and targetCenters?
>>>>> Yes I include the colvarsInput parameter as :
>>>>> colvarsInput out-us/da-us-1.out.res.colvars.state
>>>>> On 9/4/12, Jérôme Hénin <> wrote:
>>>>>> Ipsita,
>>>>>> Better than looking at the colvars trajectory, you can look in the
>>>>>> NAMD output for lines saying :
>>>>>> Moving restraint stage n : setting centers to x
>>>>>> When restarting the job, do you add the colvarsInput parameter in the
>>>>>> NAMD config file?
>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>> Jerome
>>>>>> On 4 September 2012 07:42, ipsita basu <> wrote:
>>>>>>> Sir,
>>>>>>> I have a query regarding restarting umbrella sampling simulation of
>>>>>>> membrane protein system.
>>>>>>> When I start it one portion of my configuration is:
>>>>>>> harmonic {
>>>>>>> name lenpot
>>>>>>> colvars distanceZ
>>>>>>> centers 70.00
>>>>>>> forceConstant 5.0
>>>>>>> targetCenters 60.00
>>>>>>> targetNumSteps 1000000
>>>>>>> targetNumStages 100
>>>>>>> where the distance between the two selected group is 70 which I want
>>>>>>> to decrease to 60 in 1000000 steps. The output traj is like:
>>>>>>> 999800 6.04585123909563e+01
>>>>>>> # step distanceZ
>>>>>>> 1000000 6.04704550193212e+01
>>>>>>> Now when I restart the job I set the above portion as :
>>>>>>> harmonic {
>>>>>>> name lenpot
>>>>>>> colvars distanceZ
>>>>>>> centers 60.00
>>>>>>> forceConstant 5.0
>>>>>>> targetCenters 50.00
>>>>>>> targetNumSteps 1000000
>>>>>>> targetNumStages 100
>>>>>>> But doing this the output traj file is like:
>>>>>>> 1403600 6.03582445087823e+01
>>>>>>> 1403800 6.03622946744465e+01
>>>>>>> which means the distance is not decreasing anymore, so I omit the
>>>>>>> option centers 60.00 and then I get the error: Error: must define the
>>>>>>> initial centers of the restraints.
>>>>>>> So should I set the value for centers and target centers, then what
>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>> the difference between the two?
>>>>>>> Or should I set off the options:
>>>>>>> targetCenters 50.00
>>>>>>> targetNumSteps 1000000
>>>>>>> targetNumStages 100
>>>>>>> Please help.
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Ipsita Basu
>>>>>>> Research Fellow
>>>>>>> c/o : Dr. Chaitali Mukhopadhyay
>>>>>>> Rajabazar Science College
>>>>>>> 92 APC Road
>>>>>>> Kolkata - 700009
>>>>> --
>>>>> Ipsita Basu
>>>>> Research Fellow
>>>>> c/o : Dr. Chaitali Mukhopadhyay
>>>>> Rajabazar Science College
>>>>> 92 APC Road
>>>>> Kolkata - 700009
>>> --
>>> Ipsita Basu
>>> Research Fellow
>>> c/o : Dr. Chaitali Mukhopadhyay
>>> Rajabazar Science College
>>> 92 APC Road
>>> Kolkata - 700009
> --
> Ipsita Basu
> Research Fellow
> c/o : Dr. Chaitali Mukhopadhyay
> Rajabazar Science College
> 92 APC Road
> Kolkata - 700009
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