From: oguz gurbulak (
Date: Thu Aug 23 2012 - 03:29:53 CDT
I have two different types of molecules with segnames ASL
and AZL. And I want to shift ASL and AZL
molecules and change the positions of the molecules along the z axis in the
simulation box for one record or every record when I load dcd file into the psf
file. Is it possible to do it ? Could you please help me about this issue ? By
the way I tried Dear Swarna’s method in previous mail to do it but I couldn’t
do it with the segnames ASL and AZL.
set sel1 [atomselect top "protein"]
$sel1 move by {0 0 5}
it will move the selected molecule 5A in the Z direction.
then set all [atomselect top all]
$all writepdb modified.pdb
hope this will help you.
Thanks for the help.
Kind regards.
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