From: Norman Geist (
Date: Tue Aug 21 2012 - 09:39:35 CDT
Could you please post the output of charmrun with debug option?
Also possibly the infiniband subnet manager got a problem, try rebooting the machines or restart the opensm?
Norman Geist.
> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: [] Im
> Auftrag von
> Gesendet: Dienstag, 21. August 2012 15:59
> An:
> Betreff: namd-l: No output after "scheduler running in netpoll mode"
> Dear all,
> I have suddenly started getting a problem while running NAMD. When
> I run
> the ibverbs version of NAMD, the log file is written till the following
> lines and then no output is produced. All the nodes show the process to
> be
> running. Also I can use the same conf file to run the single node
> version
> of NAMD and it works. Until few days back I was able to use the same
> conf
> file on the ibverbs version also. I have read the warning is harmless
> and
> can be ignored. Can someone please help me with this.
> Charmrun> Waiting for 0-th client to connect.
> Charmrun> Waiting for 1-th client to connect.
> Charmrun> Waiting for 2-th client to connect.
> Charmrun> Waiting for 3-th client to connect.
> Charmrun> Waiting for 4-th client to connect.
> Charmrun> Waiting for 5-th client to connect.
> Charmrun> Waiting for 6-th client to connect.
> Charmrun> Waiting for 7-th client to connect.
> Charmrun> All clients connected.
> Charmrun> IP tables sent.
> Converse/Charm++ Commit ID: v6.4.0-beta1-0-g5776d21
> Warning> Randomization of stack pointer is turned on in kernel, thread
> migration
> may not work! Run 'echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space' as
> root to
> disable it, or try run with '+isomalloc_sync'.
> Charm++> scheduler running in netpoll mode.
> CharmLB> Load balancer assumes all CPUs are same.
> Regards.
> Amin.
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