From: Norman Geist (
Date: Thu Jun 14 2012 - 01:50:39 CDT
Hi Marlet,
you are right there is no concrete reason mentioned by namd why it stopped,
but it could be due to this inconsisteny complained at the end of the log
I will just say what I would try. As you are using the COMmotion parameter
and this is a new release, this is the only idea I have why the
energies/forces got changed at simulation start so I would try to remove
this parameter and see if it works. If this message is normal, forget what I
Otherwise, have you tried to start the simulation again to make sure it
wasn't happenstance or something? You could also try namd2.8 so we see if it
is a problem of the new 2.9 release.
Let us know
Norman Geist.
Von: [] Im Auftrag
von Marlet Martinez
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 14. Juni 2012 01:45
Betreff: namd-l: namd simulation:protein,ligand,lipid,water and ions
Dear All
I work with membrane protein NAMD simulations. My system consists of my
protein, ligand, lipid membrane, water, and ions. I have minimized my lipid
membrane and complex protein-ligand separately in order to have a more
relaxed system, and finally I could run the first configuration file
without having errors., however when I try to run the configuration file 02
my simulation automatically crashes and it does not say anything about it
(I attach log file).
I wonder if I may need to run other simulations prior to the the second
configuration file. I do not know for example if I may need a simulation to
release my ligand and then run the second (02.conf) configuration file.
I would appreciate any suggestion regarding this issue,
Thanks in advance,
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