From: Aron Broom (
Date: Sun May 13 2012 - 09:16:26 CDT
but for your new hydrogen types, are you sure LCPO will handle them
properly for the SASA part of the GBIS calculation?
On Sun, May 13, 2012 at 10:13 AM, ypg <> wrote:
> ** ****
> Oh, I think that is the point, because I have defined five new type 'H'
> atoms in my parameter file for convenience.
> Thank you so much for your help!!
> BTW, would such atoms cause any problems in simulation? Since my timestep
> is 2fs, I think they should be constrained like other hydrogen atoms in
> principle.
> 2012-05-13
> ------------------------------
> ypg
> ------------------------------
> *发件人:* JC Gumbart
> *发送时间:* 2012-05-13 21:23:48
> *收件人:* 'ypg'; 'namd-l'
> *抄送:*
> *主题:* RE: namd-l: five 'ERROR' in the log file of NAMD2.9
> I grepped the source code and found it has to do with GBIS (specifically
> in Molecule.C)****
> if ( (atoms[i].mass<1.5) != (lcpoParamType[i]==0) ) {****
> CkPrintf("ERROR\n");****
> So apparently you have some atoms that aren’t hydrogen (lcpo type of 0)
> but have a mass of less than 1.5?****
> ** **
> ** **
> *From:* [] *On
> Behalf Of *ypg
> *Sent:* Sunday, May 13, 2012 2:15 AM
> *To:* namd-l
> *Subject:* namd-l: five 'ERROR' in the log file of NAMD2.9****
> ** **
> Dear NAMD experts,****
> There are five strange ERROR symbol appear in my log file produced by
> NAMD2.9 just like this:****
> ****
> Info: PARAMETER file: CHARMM format! ****
> Info: PARAMETERS /gpfsTMP/wangwei/ypg/NAMD/ff/par_all27_prot_lipid_CRO2.txt
> ****
> Info: BINARY COORDINATES YFP+_eq3.restart.coor****
> Info: 194 BONDS****
> Info: 473 ANGLES****
> Info: 601 DIHEDRAL****
> Info: 51 IMPROPER****
> Info: 6 CROSSTERM****
> Info: 123 VDW****
> Info: 0 VDW_PAIRS****
> Info: 0 NBTHOLE_PAIRS****
> ERROR****
> ERROR****
> ERROR****
> ERROR****
> ERROR****
> Info: TIME FOR READING PSF FILE: 0.243933****
> Info: TIME FOR READING PDB FILE: 0.0932858****
> ****
> These ERRORs would not appear if I use NAMD2.7.****
> ****
> It seems that there is something wrong in my force field file, and I
> indeed have modified my parameter file to define a new type residue.
> However, these ERRORs would not terminate my simulations and I can still
> obtain plausible MD results. Also, ERRORs only appear when my system
> involve the new type residue. ****
> ****
> Now I'm really worrying about the validity of my simulated results. I will
> be highly appreciate for any help!****
> ****
> ypg ****
> ------------------------------
> 2012-05-13****
-- Aron Broom M.Sc PhD Student Department of Chemistry University of Waterloo
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