From: Victor Ovchinnikov (
Date: Thu Mar 01 2012 - 13:56:41 CST
Just a random thought. Could it be you took the mass of oxygen rather
than that of the whole water molecule? 16/18 * 300K ~ 266K ?
On Thu, 2012-03-01 at 14:27 -0500, Aron Broom wrote:
> Dear JC,
> Thanks for the reply!
> Actually, I did only count the oxygens when calculating the KE for the
> water, this is what I meant by "determining the temperature of the
> non-rigid parts of the system" in my original message, but I
> understand that it's not worded in an extremely clear manner. Same
> thing when looking at the rest of the system whenever I was using
> SHAKE, I ignored all rigid hydrogens. But you are absolutely correct
> that counting those without accounting for the reduced degrees of
> freedom would be bad. So that part isn't an issue.
> Also, I didn't derive a conversion factor from nothing, I converted
> the speeds which are in angstroms/ps to m/s, and the mass from amu to
> kg and then used a boltzmann constant of 1.380e−23 J/K in the fitting,
> so there was nothing fishy about that, I wasn't just making it work.
> Perhaps the units have not changed, I only suggested that for others
> because in the tutorial provided the values you would get from
> following it line-by-line don't work with the boltzmann constant
> mentioned in the tutorial.
> In terms of the statistical relevance, I completely agree that my
> 30,000 water oxygens are going to make a good fit to the boltzmann
> distribution, whereas 1000-2000 (depending on SHAKE) protein atoms are
> not going to be as great, and looking at the fits confirmed this. I
> did, however measure those temperatures at 6 separate time points
> across 60 ns of simulation, and the standard deviation on the protein
> was only +/- 5 K, so its being ~20K hotter is statistically meaningful
> (the standard error in this case is less than 5K). I should have put
> the actual error in my original message to make this more clear.
> In your test how large was the system, that is, how many water
> molecules and how large of a solute? Also, how long did you simulate
> for? I failed to mention in my original message that the system had
> been pre-equilibrated with for 20 ns before the 60 ns run, so I
> imagine it might take some time to see these effects creep up (that
> is, the first timepoint that I measured at was 30 ns into the run
> effectively), and it might be dependent partially on the size of the
> water box. Also, I was using a Langevin-Nose barostat, although I
> suspect that wouldn't be a contributing factor, it's worth pointing
> out.
> I agree completely that one shouldn't state thing prematurely. I feel
> that I did a fair amount of testing in this case, and confirmed that
> everything I was doing was sensible (and certainly never derived
> random things to make the answer fit), but it could easily still be
> the case that I've missed something critical, or I had some other
> setting incorrectly that caused this. And as I only did 4 ns with the
> different settings to confirm a restoration of the proper
> distribution, that part is not strictly speaking unassailable
> statistically.
> ~Aron
> On Thu, Mar 1, 2012 at 1:49 PM, JC Gumbart <>
> wrote:
> Dear Aron,
> The statistical mechanics of rigid waters is different from
> that of flexible waters. The energy in the Maxwell-Boltzmann
> distribution for a given water molecule is no longer
> sum(1/2*mi*vi^2) for all three atoms, but instead
> 1/2*m_total*v_oxygen^2 (similar for other rigid hydrogens and
> their parent atoms). The velocities reported for the
> hydrogens by NAMD, I believe, are meaningless. When you use
> this formulation, you recover the proper distribution and
> temperature for the system and its components. I did find a
> slight difference in the temperature of the solute and water
> (the solute was about 5% lower), but I don't believe it is
> significant. The water has a lot more particles, and
> therefore generates more converged statistical averages (the
> tutorial even states that agreement only within +/- 10 K is
> expected).
> Also note that the units have not changed in the velocity
> output by NAMD at any time. I suspect you only obtained the
> proper temperature for the full system because you empirically
> derived a conversion factor that made the data fit what you
> expected.
> You might also look at the code that NAMD itself uses to
> calculate temperature, based on the equipartition theorem,
> noting in particular that it removes constrained degrees of
> freedom.
> It is certainly worthwhile to verify for yourself the
> underpinnings of an MD code, but be careful about stating
> there is something wrong prematurely!
> JC
> On Feb 28, 2012, at 9:58 PM, Aron Broom wrote:
> > Dear NAMD users,
> >
> > I've looked around on the mailing list and couldn't find a
> > clear answer to as to whether or not it is supposed to be ok
> > to use rigidBonds water (say with TIP3P) but then leave the
> > solute (say a protein) flexible with a 1 fs timestep and
> > langevinHydrogen off in order to save on calculating
> > collisions with the large number of rigid hydrogens in the
> > sample. It might seem like one should not use
> > langevinHydrogen off as long as there are any flexible
> > hydrogens, but several sources, including an NAMD tutorial
> > ( have exactly this setup.
> >
> > Well, I believe I have confirmed that you should NOT do
> > this. In looking at a 60ns simulation of ~2000 protein
> > atoms in an ~100,000 water atom box, and determining the
> > temperature of the non-rigid parts of the system by
> > calculating their kinetic energies (KE=0.5mv^2), binning
> > them, and then fitting to the boltzmann distribution ( y =
> > (2/sqrt(Pi * (KbT)^3 )) * sqrt(x) * exp(-x/KbT) ), I find
> > that the temperature of the whole system is fine (set to 298
> > K, and comes out on average at 297 K), but the temperature
> > of the protein alone is ~20-25 K higher than the surrounding
> > solvent throughout the simulation.
> >
> > This is a big problem, especially for studying ligand
> > binding, and I imagine for anything having a 20-25 K
> > difference across the solvent-solute interface is bad, not
> > to mention just being incorrect.
> >
> > I tested running an extra 4ns from the end of my 60 ns, with
> > two changes in NAMD parameters:
> >
> > 1) just turn langevinHydrogen on, which comes with a 5%
> > performance penalty, and
> >
> > 2) leave langevinHydrogen off, but change rigidBonds water
> > to rigidBonds all, and change from a 1 fs timestep to a 2 fs
> > timestep, in which you gain ~30% performance, but some
> > people are sceptical of the results.
> >
> > Both of these changes alone are capable of bringing the
> > system back to a reasonable configuration in which the
> > protein and solvent have approximately the same temperatures
> > (the protein was still slightly hotter (~5 K, but perhaps a
> > gamma of 1/ps is not fast enough to see complete equilibrium
> > in 4ns).
> >
> > Has anyone else seen this and can confirm that the setup of
> > using ridigBonds water and langevinHydrogen off are not to
> > be used together when you have a solute that has hydrogens,
> > despite this being somewhat common practice? If anyone
> > wants to test the temperatures of various parts of their
> > systems from existing *.vel files, I just followed the
> > instructions on this page
> > (, but note that the units in the .vel files must changed since this was written, so you'll have to convert amu to kg, and angstrom/ps to m/s, and then use the correct boltzmann constant for those units.
> >
> > ~Aron
> >
> >
> > --
> > Aron Broom M.Sc
> > PhD Student
> > Department of Chemistry
> > University of Waterloo
> >
> --
> Aron Broom M.Sc
> PhD Student
> Department of Chemistry
> University of Waterloo
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