From: Bjoern Olausson (
Date: Fri May 13 2011 - 02:47:16 CDT
On Wednesday 13 April 2011 17:39:41 Jim Phillips wrote:
> There was a memory leak in trajectory/restart output that was introduced
> after 2.7 and fixed April 10 (so it is in 2.8b1 also). That could explain
> some of what you are seeing.
> -Jim
> On Tue, 12 Apr 2011, Dong Luo wrote:
> > In case someone will research the problem in the future, I add another
> > problem appeared during the simulation with NAMD2.7 on BlueGene/L in the
> > safe time range (i.e., running 250k steps for the 50k atoms system per
> > simulation). Randomly a simulation may stopped with an error: [0]
> > processControlPoints() haveControlPointChangeCallback=0
> > frameworkShouldAdvancePhase=0.
> > It appeared not often, and a repeat of the same simulation normally runs
> > ok. A rough search shows the error is throw out by charm++.
> > Again, the NAMD/charm++ are compiled from cvs code of 03/03/2011.
sory to bring up this discussion, but did anyone solve this
[0] processControlPoints() haveControlPointChangeCallback=0
frameworkShouldAdvancePhase=0 error from charm++?
For me it happens on a normal Linux Cluster with 288 Cores and Infiniband
I compiled NAMD 2.8b2 with charmm++ (60305) yesterday.
You can find all the details in my other post:
-- Bjoern Olausson Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg Fachbereich Biochemie/Biotechnologie Kurt-Mothes-Str. 3 06120 Halle/Saale Phone: +49-345-55-24942
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