From: Eva Gonzalez Noya (
Date: Mon Oct 17 2011 - 18:30:33 CDT
I am trying to use the tclforces interfase to apply some forces to my
To calculate the forces I am using a tcl extension, written in C and
built using swig. Everything seems to be working fine when I run it
in a single processor, but when I submit it in parallel I get the error:
TCL: couldn't load file "./": ./
wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64
It seems that while running in parallel namd is not able to find the tcl
I tried to specify the full path when loading it, but that doesn't seem
to be working.
I attached below detailed information about how I am doing this:
Any idea about how I can solve this problem?
I build the tcl module using the directives given in the swig webpage:
unix % swig -tcl example.i
unix % gcc -fpic -c example.c example_wrap.c \
unix % gcc -shared example.o example_wrap.o -o
and I used the following tcl script:
load ./ calculate_forces
proc calcforces {} {
global lista num grupo num_monomer
loadcoords x
set outfile [open w]
foreach i $grupo {
puts $outfile "$x($i) "
close $outfile
set forces [new_double 21]
print "forces now $forces"
calculate_forces $forces
set lforces [Array2Tcl $forces 21]
#print "lforces $lforces"
set index 0
foreach i $grupo {
set j [expr $index*3]
set fx [lindex $lforces $j]
set fy [lindex $lforces [expr $j+1]]
set fz [lindex $lforces [expr $j+2]]
set force "$fx $fy $fz"
addforce $i $force
set index [expr $index+1]
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