From: Bjoern Olausson (
Date: Thu Jun 09 2011 - 05:02:36 CDT
On Thursday 09 June 2011 11:30:30 Molecular Dynamics wrote:
> Dear NAMD users,
> What are the units of bond, angle, dıhed,
> ımprp, elect, vdw, energy, pressure, volume in namd log
> file ?
Default for energies is "kcal/mol", anything that describes an angle is in
"Arcdegree", pressure is given in "Bar", volume in "Cubic Ångström" and
temperature in "Kelvin".
Anything I missed or got wrong?
-- Bjoern Olausson Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg Fachbereich Biochemie/Biotechnologie Kurt-Mothes-Str. 3 06120 Halle/Saale Phone: +49-345-55-24942
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