From: Ajasja Ljubetič (
Date: Thu May 05 2011 - 03:38:16 CDT
I gave up on ABF for the time being and ran a metadynamics simulation. But
the simulation still crashed, although I did not see anything in the
trajectory even when writing every step.
The colvar traj is shown
I'll try to somehow get rid of the dummy atom and see if it runs better.
Best regards,
colvarsTrajFrequency 1
colvarsRestartFrequency 1000
colvar {
name theta
width 5
lowerboundary 0
upperboundary 180
lowerWallConstant 1
upperWallConstant 1
angle {
group1 { dummyAtom (3.283, -0.213, 99.366) } ;
group2 { atomnumbers 204 } ;#CB
group3 { atomnumbers 173 } ;#O1
colvar {
name phi
width 5
lowerboundary -90
upperboundary +90
lowerWallConstant 1
upperWallConstant 1
dihedral {
group1 { atomnumbers 173 } ;#O1
group2 { atomnumbers 204 } ;#CB
group3 { dummyAtom (3.283, -0.213, -100.63) } ;
group4 { dummyAtom (13.283, -0.213, -100.63) } ;
metadynamics {
name CAO_T
colvars theta
hillWeight 0.05
newHillFrequency 100
histogram {
name CBO_TP_hist
colvars theta phi
On Wed, May 4, 2011 at 13:31, Ajasja Ljubetič <>wrote:
> Hi,
> I checked the crash in more detail:
> It looks like the colvar is at the same time attracted to the upper
> boundary and bounces of it.
> Here the ABF bias was only active for the theta colvar (the angle colvar)--000e0cd6b2de6efc6c04a2834b1b--
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