From: Axel Kohlmeyer (
Date: Sun Apr 03 2011 - 14:28:04 CDT
there is one additional issue that can arise: some of the gromacs tools
information about particle charges and masses, which are taken from a .tpr
the VMD topotools plugin has an (currently undocumented) feature
that can help with it. you can load your .psf and .pdb file into VMD
and then do: topo writegmxtop
and it should generate a "fake" .top file that provides enough information
to be able to generate a .tpr file. it will not be sufficient for
but should cover the needs of the analysis tools that require a .tpr file.
On Sun, Apr 3, 2011 at 2:47 PM, Francesco Oteri
> Dear M,
> dcd files are readable by GROMACS. To use these feature, you have to
> install VMD.
> Once VMD is installed, the environment variable VMD_PLUGIN_PATH should
> point to the VMD directory containing library for file reading (usually
> vmd_directory/plugins/LINUXAMD64/molfile).
> Now you should be able to run, for example:
> g_rms -f .dcd -s .pdb
> If your trajectory is composed by moltiple files, you must concatenate them
> using:
> trjcat -f *.dcd *.dcd *.dcd -o trajectory.xtc
> Usually, the timeof the different frames is 0 so you should change the time
> for each frame running trjconv on trajectory.xtc
> Il 03/04/2011 17:45, Joshua Adelman ha scritto:
> Two possible ways to do this are using catdcd:
> or in VMD using the animate command:
> Best of luck,
> Josh
> On Apr 3, 2011, at 5:54 AM, Molecular Dynamics wrote:
> Dear namd users,
> I’m a new NAMD user and want to use gromacs 4.5.4 analysis tools for my
> NAMD output files. I have some NAMD output files : output.coor ,
> output.vel , output.dcd (binary coordinate trajectory output file). Can I
> convert these output files into gromacs output files and use gromacs 4.5.4
> analysis tools ? If it’s possible to do it, could you please explain this
> job ?
> Thanks in advanceM
-- Dr. Axel Kohlmeyer Institute for Computational Molecular Science Temple University, Philadelphia PA, USA.
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