From: Erik Santiso (
Date: Wed Mar 23 2011 - 17:24:16 CDT
Assuming you don't care about the origin information, you'd need to do
something like this (first trim the dcd file with catdcd):
package require pbctools
set fp [open "myfile.xst" w]
set sel [atomselect top all]
for {set i 0} {$i<250} {incr i} {
$sel frame $i
set vecs [lindex [pbc get -namd] 0]
puts $fp [expr 10000*$i] nonewline
puts $fp " " nonewline
for {set j 0} {$j<3} {incr j} {
set vec [lindex $vecs $j]
for {set k 0} {$k<3} {incr k} {
puts $fp [format "%.4f" [lindex $vec $k] ] nonewline
puts $fp " " nonewline
puts $fp "0 0 0"
close $fp
On 3/23/11 1:59 PM, wood irene wrote:
> Thanks Erik,
> My .dcd has 2500000 steps and 2500 frames, and I must to obtain an .xst
> recorded every 10000 steps, that means that I must to get 250 times
> the dimensions of the simulation box. There is any alternative way two get
> the whole .xst file in only one step?
> Regards
> 2011/3/21 Erik Santiso<>
>> Hi Irene,
>> If there is unit cell information in the dcd file, you can get the unit
>> cell parameters with vmd. Just open the file with vmd and use molinfo get or
>> pbctools. With pbctools you'd do something like:
>> package require pbctools
>> pbc get -namd
>> That will give you the cell vectors. As far as I know, however, the origin
>> is not stored in the dcd file. Depending on what you want to do this may not
>> be important.
>> Erik.
>> On 3/21/11 10:25 AM, wood irene wrote:
>>> Dear all,
>>> could someone help me to get a .xst file from a .dcd file?
>>> thank in advance
>>> Irene
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