From: Jérôme Hénin (
Date: Wed Mar 23 2011 - 05:39:51 CDT
On 23 March 2011 09:18, Bjoern Olausson <> wrote:
> On Wednesday 23 March 2011 03:07:53 Giacomo Fiorin wrote:
>> Hi Bjoern, the comment character is the hash sign, '#'. The semicolon ';'
>> is instead a part of the Tcl scripting language, among others, and not a
>> part of the input. Remove the semicolons and it should work fine.
>> Giacomo
> Okay, so the inbutfile does not follow the TCL scriting language style and
> removing the smicolon worked....
> But why is it working for all the other keywords?
> For example this:
> lowerBoundary -180 ;# Some Comment
> upperBoundary 0 ;# Another comment
> Anny comments, suggestions to my other questions - anyone? :-)
The reason for this is, scalar values are parsed in a less stringent
way than booleans: once a number has been parsed successfully, the
rest of the string is ignored.
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