From: johan strumpfer (
Date: Tue Mar 22 2011 - 12:41:42 CDT
Hi Markus,
Things became a little clearer once I had a look at your files that
you sent me. It seems that you have defined 2 improper angles between
your ligand and your protein in the psf file which shouldn't be there.
Check to see how you created your protein system. I removed the
offending angles in the psf file (the 2nd and 3rd improper) and the
calculation continued without problems.
On Tue, Mar 22, 2011 at 10:42 AM, Markus K. Dahlgren
<> wrote:
> I have been running equilibration of a single-chain protein complexed with one
> ligand in a 14 Angstrom TIP3P box with PME boundary conditions. I use a 10A
> cutoff and 8A switchdist. After 4ns, using 1fs timestep, I get this error and
> cannot get around it by restarting.
> I figure this error has to do with the boundary conditions used. I tried putting
> in the option "splitPatch position" and using the last restart files, but it
> keeps crashing at exactly the same timestep. I have also tried to remove the
> wrapWater and wrapAll options but it does not help. What can I do to get around
> this problem? Should I restart the simualtion from scratch using a different
> cutoff distance, swtichdist, and solvent box size? Would disabling the wrapAll
> and wrapWater options from start help? I have pasted my config file below:
> set name     14A_box
> set outputname    ${name}_equil
> set cbv1 Â Â Â Â 77.937 Â Â Â Â ;# Box size in X dimension
> set cbv2 Â Â Â Â 90.367 Â Â Â Â ;# Box size in Y dimension
> set cbv3 Â Â Â Â 83.088 Â Â Â Â ;# Box size in Z dimension
> set cox     -2.118     ;# X coordinate for cell origin
> set coy      1.681     ;# Y coordinate for cell origin
> set coz     -5.830     ;# Z coordinate for cell origin
> coordinates   ionized.pdb
> structure    ionized.psf
> if {1} {
> bincoordinates  14A_box_equil.restart.coor
> binvelocities  14A_box_equil.restart.vel
> extendedSystem  14A_box_equil.restart.xsc
> }
> firsttimestep  4034000
> rigidBonds    none
> set T Â Â Â Â Â 310
> set outputfreq  100
> set dcdfreq   1000
> paraTypeCharmm  on
> parameters    /home/markus/MD_sim/common/opls_MD_mar_18_2011.prm
> exclude     scaled1-4
> 1-4scaling    1.0
> switching    on
> cutoff      10
> switchdist    8
> pairlistdist   14
> #temperature       $T
> langevin         on
> langevinDamping     0.5
> langevinTemp       $T
> langevinHydrogen     no
> useGroupPressure     no
> useFlexibleCell     no
> useConstantArea     no
> langevinPiston      on
> langevinPistonTarget   1.01325
> langevinPistonPeriod   100
> langevinPistonDecay   50
> langevinPistonTemp    $T
> cellBasisVector1 Â Â Â Â $cbv1 Â 0. Â Â Â 0.
> cellBasisVector2 Â Â Â Â 0. Â Â Â $cbv2 Â 0.
> cellBasisVector3 Â Â Â Â 0. Â Â Â 0. Â Â Â $cbv3
> cellOrigin        $cox   $coy   $coz
> wrapWater    on
> wrapAll     on
> PME Â Â Â Â Â Â yes
> PMEGridSpacing  1.0
> stepspercycle      10
> nonbondedFreq      1
> fullElectFrequency    2
> outputname        $outputname
> outputEnergies      $outputfreq
> outputPressure      $outputfreq
> outputTiming       $dcdfreq
> binaryoutput       no
> DCDfile         $outputname.dcd
> DCDfreq         $dcdfreq
> DCDUnitCell       yes
> binaryrestart      yes
> restartname       $outputname.restart
> restartfreq       $dcdfreq
> XSTfile         $outputname.xst
> XSTfreq         $dcdfreq
> timestep         1.0
> run           20000000
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