From: jnsong (
Date: Thu Oct 21 2010 - 03:34:11 CDT
Dear Cheng TAN,
Thank you very much for your help! I will try to get a pdb file of my
system with your advice.
Furthermore, would you please tell me the storage format in the binary
Then I could read the binary file directly into my own program for some
other analysis.
Thanks in advance! Best wishes!
On Thu, 2010-10-21 at 16:15 +0800, OiniL wrote:
> You can save the restart structures as other file formats using VMD.
> Load the psf file into VMD, then load the restart file for the
> pre-loaded psf.
> Open the TCL-console, select all atoms, and use the "writepdb" command
> to save the coordinates as a pdb file.
> Good luck and have fun!
> Cheng TAN
> On Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 3:27 PM, jnsong <>
> wrote:
> Deal all,
> Recently, I have done a simulation of my membrane system with
> NAMD-2.7b3. and I've got a binary restart coordinate file.
> Now, I want to get coordinates in it to further analysis other
> than using VMD.
> Would you please tell me the storage format in the binary file
> or at leat, give me some hint?
> Thanks very much!
> Jianing
> --
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> 祝
> 健康快乐
> 谭丞
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