From: ipsita basu (
Date: Tue May 11 2010 - 08:02:11 CDT
Thank you very much. But can you please tell me any specific one which
I should try for our machine? It will be really helpful to me.
On 5/11/10, Axel Kohlmeyer <> wrote:
> > On 11 May 2010 11:00, ipsita basu <> wrote:
> >> But I downloaded tcl-linux-x86_64.tar.gz which is specified in the
> >> notes.txt for 64 bit linux machine. Could you please tell me then
> >> which tcl is suitable for my machine?
> ipsita,
> x86_64 is 64-bit but it is not a powerpc architecture.
> your info below indicates that you have a 64-bit powerpc
> which means that you need a different tcl library.
> in general, there are multiple components that define binary
> compatibility. the processor architecture (and that is defined
> by architecture and bitness, and endianness) , the operating
> system and the compiler/c-library ABI.
> 64-bit and linux is not sufficiently accurate.
> cheers,
> axel.
> [...]
> >>> > the notes.txt distributed with namd library except in a machine whose
> >>> > configuration is:
> >>> > Linux localhost.localdomain 2.6.9-55.EL #1 SMP Fri Apr 20 16:33:09 EDT
> >>> > 2007 ppc64 ppc64 ppc64 GNU/Linux
> >>> > Here I tried NAMD_2.7b1,NAMD2.7b2 etc. But at the last step when I
> >>> > enter the " make " command, it gives error. This output I attach
> >>> > herewith.
> --
> Dr. Axel Kohlmeyer
> Institute for Computational Molecular Science
> Temple University, Philadelphia PA, USA.
-- Ipsita Basu Research Fellow c/o : Dr. Chaitali Mukhopadhyay Rajabazar Science College 92 APC Road Kolkata - 700009
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