Date: Fri Apr 09 2010 - 04:52:07 CDT
This tutorial might help:
Quoting Jignesh Patel <>:
> Hello,
> I am new to NAMD.
> I want to do MD for protein with ligand.
> But I am not able to get, how to develop ligand forcefield for NAMD.
> Is there any server like dundee server which can be helpful.
> So please help me regarding this issue.
> Any kind of help is highly appreciable.
> --
> Best Wishes,
> Jignesh Patel
> Pharmacoinformatics,
Elsa S. Henriques e-mail:
Investigadora Auxiliar
Biologia Estrutural e Computacional (@CNC)
e Grupo de Química Estrutural (@CCC)
Cv15 - RMB Lab
Departamento de Química - Universidade de Coimbra
3004-535 COIMBRA Portugal
Tel.: +351 23 9852080 - ext.417
Fax : +351 23 9827703
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