From: Axel Kohlmeyer (
Date: Wed Apr 07 2010 - 19:15:28 CDT
On Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 7:35 PM, Tommy Kahn <> wrote:
> I am attempting to use the Ionize software as described here:
> It requires an input pdb with the charge on each atom in the value of
> "beta". Is there a way to enter these values in an efficient manner, such as
> with VMD's tk console?
how about using atomselect? e.g.
set sel [atomselect top "<some selection for atoms that have some charge"]
$sel set beta -0.5
$sel delete
set sel [atomselect top "<some selection for atoms that have some other charge"]
$sel set beta 0.5
$sel delete
and so on.
> Thanks,
> Thomas Kahn
-- Dr. Axel Kohlmeyer Institute for Computational Molecular Science Temple University, Philadelphia PA, USA.
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