From: grazia cottone (
Date: Wed Oct 20 2010 - 06:43:23 CDT
Hi All,
I am looking for the parameter and topology files for some ligands,
agonist and antagonist
for nicotinic receptors I want to simulate with NAMD: acetylcholine,
nicotine, lobeline.
I see that acetylcholine (and nicotinamide..) are available in the
CHARMM top/par files, but still I miss lobeline:
Does anyone has an idea where can I find them, or from where I can build
Thanks a lot in advance,
-- Grazia Cottone School of Physics College of Engineering, Mathematics and Physical Sciences University College of Dublin phone +353-1-716 1945 +353-1-716-1794 email Dipartimento di Scienze Fisiche ed Astronomiche Università di Palermo phone +39-091 6234262 fax +39-091 6162461 email
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