From: TCBG Workshops (
Date: Thu Aug 12 2010 - 17:04:39 CDT
The Theoretical and Computational Biophysics Group (,
NIH Resource for Macromolecular Modeling and Bioinformatics , is pleased
to announce the following workshop opportunity, with early and late
November 2010 dates currently enrolling:
"Hands-On" Workshops on Computational Biophysics at Urbana, IL, USA
November 1-5, 2010 workshop, apply by September 27:
November 29-December 3, 2010 workshop, apply by October 25:
The workshops will be held at the Beckman Institute for Advanced Science
and Technology (, at the University of Illinois
at Urbana-Champaign, in Urbana, Illinois (
The workshop will explore physical models and computational approaches
used for the simulation of biological systems and the investigation of
their function at an atomic level. The course will be based on case
studies including the properties of membranes and membrane proteins,
mechanisms of molecular motors, trafficking in the living cell through
water and ion channels, and signaling pathways. Relevant physical
concepts, mathematical techniques, and computational methods will be
introduced, including force fields and algorithms used in molecular
modeling, molecular dynamics simulations on parallel computers and
steered molecular dynamics simulations.
The workshop is designed for graduate students and postdoctoral
researchers in computational and/or biophysical fields who seek to
extend their research skills to include computational and theoretical
expertise, as well as other researchers interested in theoretical and
computational biophysics. Theory sessions in the morning will be
followed by hands-on computer labs in the afternoon in which
participants will be able to set up and run simulations.
Applications to the workshop are due by September 27 and October 25 for
the early and late November 2010 workshops respectively, with selection
and notification of applicants a week after the deadlines. There is no
registration fee for students; the fee is $100 for non-student
academics, and $200 for all others, and is non-refundable. Fees are due
October 8 for the early November and November 5 for the late November
Double-occupancy housing and all course materials are provided. All
participants are required to bring their own laptop for use in workshop
tutorial sessions. The workshop can neither fund nor arrange participant
travel. Due to space and equipment constraints, each workshop date is
limited to 30 participants.
Best regards,
The TCBG Workshop Team
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