From: 刘晓光 (
Date: Sun Jun 06 2010 - 06:50:56 CDT
Hi, all fans of NAMD I meet the same problem also. Hope anybody can solve it.
LiuxgNankai University
> From:
> Subject: namd-l: namd cuda with geforce 470 (fermi) gpu fatal error at runtime
> Date: Tue, 25 May 2010 14:52:41 -0400
> To:
> Just wondering if anyone has NAMD working with the new fermi gpus with the cuda 3.0.14 toolkit?
> I am trying to test this out on a centos 5.4 64 bit linux box with a geforce 470 card and cuda 3.0.14.
> All of the sdk items compile and run happily. In addition I can compile charmm and namd just fine without cuda.
> The cuda compiles throw up some minor warnings variables declared or set but never used type, but it will compile.
> The problem comes when I try and run a simulation, I get
> FATAL ERROR: CUDA error binding force table to texture: invalid texture reference
> followed by a stack traceback....
> This comes right after phase 6
> Was there major changes between cuda-2.3 and cuda-3.0? or have I done something wrong?
> -Phil Greer
> University of Pittsburgh
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