From: Seungho Choe (
Date: Fri Oct 16 2009 - 16:34:58 CDT
Dear all,
I'm trying to restrain the center of mass (only z position) of a
molecule. Below is my tcl script. What I'm wondering is whether a new
energy term from the added force is applied correctly to the total
energy. Do I need to explicitly add the energy term in the script ? Is
there any way to check this ? Any comments are welcome. Thank you in
set numatoms 63230
set atoms {}
for {set i 63207} { $i <= $numatoms} { incr i} {
lappend atoms $i
print "atoms:$atoms"
foreach atom $atoms {
addatom $atom
set groupid [addgroup $atoms]
# Set spring constant
set k 7.0
set z0 -3
proc calcforces {} {
global atoms groupid numatoms k z0
loadcoords p
#print "$p($groupid)"
set z1 [lindex $p($groupid) 2]
print "z comp:$z1"
set r01 [expr $z1-$z0]
#print "r01:$r01"
if {$r01 > 0} {
set n01 {0 0 -1}
} elseif {$r01 < 0} {
set n01 {0 0 +1}
# Calculate the "force"
set force [expr abs($k*$r01)]
set forcez [vecscale $force $n01]
print "forcez:$forcez"
addforce $groupid $forcez
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