From: Joshua Adelman (
Date: Tue Aug 18 2009 - 22:14:18 CDT
Although this is a question for the VMD, not NAMD list. . .
After moving the desired atoms:
set A [atomselect top "all"]
$A writepdb newpdb.pdb
On Aug 18, 2009, at 7:33 PM, He Yuhui wrote:
> Dear all,
> I selected one segment in my system, and move it a little. Then, I
> wanna save the whole system with the updated coordinates of the
> segment.
> I searched the VMD user mannual, but had no idea how to do that:
> mol load psf all.psf pdb all.pdb
> set alpha [atomselect top "segname GOL"]
> set disp 2.0
> $alpha moveby $disp
> Can you tell me how to write that command?
> Thanks and best wishes!
> Yuhui He
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