From: Mert Gür (
Date: Thu Aug 06 2009 - 15:09:58 CDT
Hi Rabab,
You can use NAMDenergy as a script.In other words you can just call it on
the tclconsole. In that case there is no need to load the dcdfile into VMD.
I think if you do it that way you will have no memory problems. Maybe you
are already doing it that way. In that case I am sorry to restate what u
already did :)
On Wed, Aug 5, 2009 at 5:43 PM, Rabab Toubar <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I want to extract energies from the dcd file to create a log file.
> Searching the mailing list, I got a similar post with a reply from JC
> Gumbart to use NAMDenergy (Post quoted below). Now I get to the problem of
> the dcd size as it is bigger than what the computer memory can handle, and I
> donot really want to "stride" it, as I want to consider all the frames.
> Is there a way to egt around this problem?
> Thanks
> Rabab
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> NAMDenergy should be able to give you what you need:
> On May 7, 2008, at 9:19 AM,<>wrote:
> *> *
> *> Dear namd users *
> *> *
> *> I have a DCD file from a prior dynamics run but have lost its log**file. I
> *
> *> want to calculate the energy of each frame. Is there a way i can *
> *> regenerate the log file using dcd file? *
> *> *
> *> Regards *
> *> Gurvisha Sandhu *
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