From: Marius Micluta (
Date: Fri Jun 05 2009 - 04:36:57 CDT
Hello Michael,
I had a somewhat similar problem, but on a Linux cluster and only with an SMP
version I built myself. It seems that my problem is related to Charm++, not to
NAMD, and I think this is also your case. I received some suggestions from the
Charm++ mailing list two days ago, but I have not yet fully tested the solution
(a command line switch present only in the latest few versions in the CVS
repository) due to an unexpected problem with my cluster management software.
You might find useful reading the thread I opened on the Charm++ mailing list
( and posting your problem
there. In your case, there could be also issues related to possible different
OS versions running on your cluster and on the system the binaries were
compiled on.
-- Marius Micluta Institute of Biochemistry of the Romanian Academy 296 Splaiul Independentei 060031 Bucharest Romania Tel: +40 21 223 90 69 Fax: +40 21 223 90 68
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