From: Eduardo Cruz-Chu (
Date: Wed May 13 2009 - 17:02:19 CDT
Look at this reference:
Rosemary Braun, Mehmet Sarikaya and Klaus Schulten. Genetically engineered
gold-binding polypeptides: structure prediction and molecular dynamics.
Journal of Biomaterials Science, Polymer Edn. 13, 747-757 (2002)
On Wed, 13 May 2009, Jorgen Simonsen wrote:
> Hi all,
> I would like to simulate 10 peptides and their interactions on a silver
> surface - I am not too interested in the beginning to simulate quantify the
> interaction from the surface. I am planning to simply freeze the surface
> atoms and add a vdw potential to them as I am mainly interested in the
> peptide interactions in the beginning. I have not been able to find any
> papers using namd for this - has anybody tried?
> Thanks in advance
> Best
> Jorgen
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