From: Peter Freddolino (
Date: Mon Jan 05 2009 - 14:21:51 CST
Please reply on list to make sure that people can find solutions in the
future when they search the list.
Just to be clear, if you follow the usual convention in the namd config
files for where your include and lib files are, you should have
something like
TCLLIB=-L$(TCLDIR)/lib -ltcl8.3 -ldl
Is this what you have now?
Can you verify that your lib directory contains the appropriate file? It
should be named something like libtcl8.3.a. If it is there, are you sure
it is compiled for the appropriate platform?
Peter wrote:
> Hi Peter,
> Thank you for the reply.
> I've changed the path to
> /home/aky/Desktop/namd/PTHR_new2/namd2/tcl/linux/lib in .tcl file.
> Still I get the same error massage at the end and the mid.
> /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -ltcl8.3
> collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
> Fatal Error by charmc in directory
> /home/aky/Desktop/namd/PTHR_new2/namd2/Linux-amd64-g++
> in the .tcl file should ltcl8.3 replace with libtcl8.3?
> Thank you again
> Achani
> Quoting Peter Freddolino <>:
>> I'd add that you've set your tcl directory to be
>> -L/PTHR_new2/namd2/tcl/linux/lib
>> Based on the location that you're compiling namd, it is unlikely that
>> this is a valid absolute path... perhaps you meant to prefix it with
>> /home/aky/Desktop/namd
>> Best,
>> Peter
>> wrote:
>>> Thank you Chris and Leo for the comments, your valuable time and
>>> attention.
>>> I followed the notes.txt. I did followings in order to compile namdcvs,
>>> 1. charm ++ 6.0 (I got from
>>> test run was
>>> successful)
>>> 2. namdcvs (I followed the web guide "Bleeding-Edge (straight from
>>> CVS, requires Charm++ 6.0 or newer)
>>> Request and receive a username and password from us.
>>> Run or add the following to your login scripts (replace "username"):
>>> alias namdcvs 'cvs -d'
>>> namdcvs login (enter your password)
>>> In a directory that doesn't already contain a file or directory named
>>> namd2:
>>> namdcvs checkout namd2
>>> namdcvs logout ")
>>> 3. tcl and fftw for linux-amd64 (got from
>>> )
>>> Then I edit the Make.charm, Linux-amd64.tcl and Linux-amd64.fftw
>>> configuartion files giving paths to files.
>>> then I did the following ,
>>> ./config tcl fftw Linux-amd64-g++
>>> cd Linux-amd64-g++
>>> make
>>> However I could not compile, and got an error massage at the end.
>>> last few lines of the massage, (full massage is attached)
>>> charm-6.0/net-linux-amd64/bin/../lib/libthreads-default.o -lck
>>> -lconv-cplus-y -lconv-core -lconv-util -lckqt -ldl -ltcl8.3 -ldl
>>> -lsrfftw -lsfftw -lm -lmoduleNeighborLB -lmodulecommlib -lm returned
>>> error code 1
>>> charmc exiting...
>>> rm -f moduleinit18447.C moduleinit18447.o
>>> make: *** [namd2] Error 1
>>> All your suggestions are highly appreciated.
>>> Thank you in advance for your attention and time
>>> Achani
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