Date: Mon Jan 05 2009 - 14:12:59 CST
Something is wrong with you TCL lib :
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -ltcl8.3
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
Fatal Error by charmc in directory /home/aky/Desktop/namd/PTHR_new2/
You probably need to recompile tcl or something like that.
On Jan 5, 2009, at 11:32 AM, wrote:
> Thank you Chris and Leo for the comments, your valuable time and
> attention.
> I followed the notes.txt. I did followings in order to compile
> namdcvs,
> 1. charm ++ 6.0 (I got from
> test run was successful)
> 2. namdcvs (I followed the web guide "Bleeding-Edge (straight from
> CVS, requires Charm++ 6.0 or newer)
> Request and receive a username and password from us.
> Run or add the following to your login scripts (replace "username"):
> alias namdcvs 'cvs -d'
> namdcvs login (enter your password)
> In a directory that doesn't already contain a file or directory
> named namd2:
> namdcvs checkout namd2
> namdcvs logout ")
> 3. tcl and fftw for linux-amd64 (got from
> )
> Then I edit the Make.charm, Linux-amd64.tcl and Linux-amd64.fftw
> configuartion files giving paths to files.
> then I did the following ,
> ./config tcl fftw Linux-amd64-g++
> cd Linux-amd64-g++
> make
> However I could not compile, and got an error massage at the end.
> last few lines of the massage, (full massage is attached)
> charm-6.0/net-linux-amd64/bin/../lib/libthreads-default.o -lck -
> lconv-cplus-y -lconv-core -lconv-util -lckqt -ldl -ltcl8.3 -ldl -
> lsrfftw -lsfftw -lm -lmoduleNeighborLB -lmodulecommlib -lm returned
> error code 1
> charmc exiting...
> rm -f moduleinit18447.C moduleinit18447.o
> make: *** [namd2] Error 1
> All your suggestions are highly appreciated.
> Thank you in advance for your attention and time
> Achani
> <massage.txt>
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of patriots and tyrants.
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