From: Subramanian Vaitheeswaran (
Date: Wed Nov 21 2007 - 11:16:37 CST
That worked, thanks! Chris, is it still necessary to edit abf_script.tcl? This change is to be made on line #330 of abf_script.tcl, correct?
---- Original message ----
>Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2007 17:36:37 +0100
>From: Chris Chipot <>
>Subject: Re: ABF : dihedral-com.tcl
>To: Subramanian Vaitheeswaran <>
>Cc: namdlist <>
>Dear Vaithee,
>this new order parameter requires updating the ABF driver, i.e.
> if {(($coordinate == "dihedral") ||
> ($coordinate == "dihedral-com")) &&
> ($forceConst > 0.0) &&
> (($xi < $xiMin) ||
> ($xi >= $xiMax))}
---- Original message ----
>Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2007 17:36:31 +0100
>From: Vlad Cojocaru <>
>Subject: Re: namd-l: ABF : dihedral-com.tcl
>To: Subramanian Vaitheeswaran <>
>Cc: NAMD list <>
>Dear Vaithee,
>You need to edit the abf.tcl startup script in order to add the abf0 and
>abf3 keywords.
>Either you add "abf0 {}" and "abf3 {}" in "array set defaults"
>(the same way abf2 is defined there)
>Or you add them in "set silent ....." (just add "abf0" and "abf3" after
>Subramanian Vaitheeswaran wrote:
>>Dear Jerome and other ABF developers,
>>Another question, about dihedral-com.tcl this time. Following the ABF website, I identified the four groups of atoms defining the dihedral as:
>>abf abf1 {6 7}
>>abf abf2 {8 9}
>>abf abf3 {14 15}
>>abf abf4 {16 17 18 19 20}
>>in my input conf file. This dies with the error:
>>TCL: Unknown ABF keyword: abf3
>>FATAL ERROR: Unknown ABF keyword: abf3
>>It seems from dihedral-com.tcl that the group numbering should run from abf0-abf3 instead of 1-4, but this doesn't help either. Then it complains about:
>>TCL: Unknown ABF keyword: abf0
>>FATAL ERROR: Unknown ABF keyword: abf0
>>What is the correct usage?
>>---- Original message ----
>>>Date: Tue, 20 Nov 2007 17:07:01 -0500
>>>From: "Jerome Henin" <>
>>>Subject: Re: New ABF order parameters
>>>To: "Subramanian Vaitheeswaran" <>
>>>Cc: namdlist <>,
>>>Dear Vaithee,
>>>Thanks for your message, this is a mistake in the documentation. The
>>>list of 4 atom indices should be passed through the parameter abf1:
>>>abf abf1 "4 5 1 2"
>>>On Nov 20, 2007 4:56 PM, Subramanian Vaitheeswaran <> wrote:
>>>>Dear ABF and NAMD developers,
>>>>I downloaded the files dihedral.tcl and dihedral-com.tcl into ~/NAMD_2.6_Linux-i686/lib/abf from the ABF website. Do I need to do any thing else to use these new order parameters?
>>>>When I run a test job with "abf coordinate dihedral", it dies with the error:
>>>>TCL: Unknown ABF keyword: abf3
>>>>FATAL ERROR: Unknown ABF keyword: abf3.
>>>>Here is the ABF part of my conf file:
>>>>## ABF ##
>>>>if {1} {
>>>>source ~/NAMD_2.6_Linux-i686/lib/abf/abf.tcl
>>>>abf coordinate dihedral
>>>>abf abf1 {6}
>>>>abf abf2 {8}
>>>>abf abf3 {14}
>>>>abf abf4 {16}
>>>>abf dxi 0.1
>>>>abf xiMin 0.1
>>>>abf xiMax 179.9
>>>>abf outFile abf_AA.pmf
>>>>abf historyFile abf_AA.hist
>>>>abf fullSamples 200
>>>>abf inFiles {}
>>>>abf dSmooth 0.0
>>>>abf restraintList {}
>>>>Any help in fixing this problem is much appreciated.
>Dr. Vlad Cojocaru
>EML Research gGmbH
>Schloss-Wolfsbrunnenweg 33
>69118 Heidelberg
>Tel: ++49-6221-533266
>Fax: ++49-6221-533298
>EML Research gGmbH
>Amtgericht Mannheim / HRB 337446
>Managing Partner: Dr. h.c. Klaus Tschira
>Scientific and Managing Director: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andreas Reuter
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