From: Subramanian Vaitheeswaran (
Date: Tue Nov 20 2007 - 16:43:45 CST
Dear Jerome,
Two related questions:
The comment at the top of dihedral.tcl says:
# This code gets and returns degrees and kcal/mol/degree
# NAMD wants forces in kcal/mol/radian
Is this code fully integrated with NAMD - is this conflict of units resolved?
Since, the Jacobian correction = 0, is it correct to interpret the data in the outputFile as -kT*log P(theta), where P(theta) is the probability distribution along the dihedral order parameter?
---- Original message ----
>Date: Tue, 20 Nov 2007 17:07:01 -0500
>From: "Jerome Henin" <>
>Subject: Re: New ABF order parameters
>To: "Subramanian Vaitheeswaran" <>
>Cc: namdlist <>,
>Dear Vaithee,
>Thanks for your message, this is a mistake in the documentation. The
>list of 4 atom indices should be passed through the parameter abf1:
>abf abf1 "4 5 1 2"
>On Nov 20, 2007 4:56 PM, Subramanian Vaitheeswaran <> wrote:
>> Dear ABF and NAMD developers,
>> I downloaded the files dihedral.tcl and dihedral-com.tcl into ~/NAMD_2.6_Linux-i686/lib/abf from the ABF website. Do I need to do any thing else to use these new order parameters?
>> When I run a test job with "abf coordinate dihedral", it dies with the error:
>> TCL: Unknown ABF keyword: abf3
>> FATAL ERROR: Unknown ABF keyword: abf3.
>> Here is the ABF part of my conf file:
>> #######################################################
>> ## ABF ##
>> #######################################################
>> if {1} {
>> source ~/NAMD_2.6_Linux-i686/lib/abf/abf.tcl
>> abf coordinate dihedral
>> abf abf1 {6}
>> abf abf2 {8}
>> abf abf3 {14}
>> abf abf4 {16}
>> abf dxi 0.1
>> abf xiMin 0.1
>> abf xiMax 179.9
>> abf outFile abf_AA.pmf
>> abf historyFile abf_AA.hist
>> abf fullSamples 200
>> abf inFiles {}
>> abf dSmooth 0.0
>> abf restraintList {}
>> #######################################################
>> Any help in fixing this problem is much appreciated.
>> thanks,
>> Vaithee
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