From: Ilya Chorny (
Date: Fri Nov 02 2007 - 10:57:19 CDT
Below is a script which I wrote to calculate the per residue RMSD. I have a
trimer, thus the loop over segments. It's probably not the most efficient
code but it does the trick.
# the frame being compared
set reference [atomselect top "protein and backbone" frame 0]
set compare [atomselect top "protein and backbone"]
set num_steps [molinfo top get numframes]
for {set frame 0} {$frame < $num_steps} {incr frame} {
# get the correct frame
$compare frame $frame
# compute the transformation
set trans_mat [measure fit $compare $reference]
# do the alignment
$compare move $trans_mat
set filename "test.txt"
set fileId [open $filename "w"]
for {set segment 1} {$segment < 2} {incr segment} {
puts -nonewline $fileId "segment P$segment\n"
set resid [atomselect top "protein and segname P$segment and name CA"]
foreach array [$resid get resid] {
puts -nonewline $fileId "$array\t"
set reference [atomselect top "protein and resid $array" frame 0]
set compare [atomselect top "protein and resid $array"]
for {set frame 0} {$frame < $num_steps} {incr frame} {
$compare frame $frame
set rmsd [measure rmsd $compare $reference]
puts -nonewline $fileId "$rmsd\t"
puts -nonewline $fileId "\n"
close $fileId
On 11/2/07, Christian Blouin <> wrote:
> Greetings,
> We are attempting to apply the RMSD for individual residues
> (NAMD tutorial) on a protein that has two residues with negative indexes.
> The line:
> rmsd_residue_over_time top $sel_resid
> fails with the message:
> Calculating rmsd for frame 0
> Atomselect: cannot parse selection text: protein and resid -2
> and noh
> Can anyone on this list help us understand the nature of this
> problem and how to get around it.
> Thanks,
> Christian
-- Ilya Chorny Ph.D.
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